The Media Ministry is an important and vital aspect of the worship experience. The media ministry team uses a combination of sound, video, and computer technologies to present a message of Christ. We are the silent group that uses our talent in audio, graphic, video and lighting. We provide live text, graphics, and video for worship services. We record and archive videos of each and every service. We push ourselves to stay on the cutting edge of technology and expand according to the church’s needs. During church service, the media ministry is a support service for the pastor, music ministry and the church members. The Media Team is composed of two primary areas: sound and visuals. The sound and visuals personnel provide audiovisual technical support for worship services.



SOUND Technicians

Our Sound Team consists of technicians who support the audio needs for speakers, musicians, actors, video/DVD presentations, etc. The sound board operator is a key element in our church worship. The person has direct control over all audio output during service, church productions, and special events. Potential team members have the opportunity to shadow and work alongside current team operators before making any commitments. Typically, those that make the best sound techs are very detail oriented, can stay focused under pressure, and can think quick on their feet. It is also necessary to have had some measure of musical training or experience.



CAMERA Technicians

We currently have four video cameras that we use for worship service and other programs here at Southeast. Our live video feed is later edited and uploaded to our website. We also send live feed to our “mother’s room” and the main halls during services and special occasions; like baptisms and baby dedications.


Throughout the year there are many opportunities to video major events and special projects. Those that make good camera techs are very detail oriented, can stay focused, and can operate a camera for over an hour without physical fatigue.




Supported by three large front‐and one rear projection screen in the Sanctuary, our Computer Support Team uses the computer software program MediaShout  and ProPresenter to provide song lyrics, Bible verses, video graphics, PowerPoint presentations, and sermon outlines for our services.


Team members should have intermediate level computer skills (including the ability to navigate between computer directories), be able to work well with others, be flexible and be able to work under time constraints. A “feel for music” is helpful, but not required.




If you have ever been to an activity at Southeast, you might have noticed photographers taking pictures so that we can capture the special moments of the event. The Photo Team helps us see what happens in the life of Southeast Seventh‐day Adventist Church.
The Media Team is a great place to serve if you like to listen to music or if you like to work with computers and video equipment. If you are interested in finding out more about serving on one of these teams, there is an opportunity to observe the team for a couple of weeks prior to making a commitment. Training generally takes place “on the job” working alongside a veteran member of the team. Come and join a fun and creative group of people using their gifts and talents for God.

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