Women’s Ministries encourages women to improve their potential and participation in the mission of the church. It provides a support system for hurting women, and a forum to help address topics and issues as they affect women in and out of the church. It promotes programs to mentor young women and encourages college young women academically through a scholarship program. This program is funded primarily through the Three-Way Scholarship fund. Women’s Ministries encourages women to become involved in all areas of ministry in their church, their community and in their home, recognizing that women have many Gifts of the Spirit. It attempts to help women discover and use these gifts to the glory of God.


  1. Foster spiritual growth and renewal among women. Affirm that women are of inestimable worth by virtue of their creation and redemption, and equip them for service in the church.
  2. Minister to the broad spectrum of women’s needs across the life span, being sensitive to multicultural and multi-ethnic perspectives.
  3. Cooperate with other specialized departments of the church to facilitate the ministry to women and of women.
  4. Build goodwill among women in the world church that encourages bonds of friendship, support for service, and the creative exchange of ideas and information.
  5. Mentor and encourage Seventh-day Adventist women, creating paths for their involvement in the church as they reach for their potential in Christ.

Find ways and means to challenge each Seventh-day Adventist woman to use her gifts to complement the talents of others as they work side by side to further the global mission of the church.