Announcements at a Glance

Announcements at a Glance

Personal Ministries Department The Personal Ministries Department is collecting items for outreach to the unhoused community. Items needed are disposable washcloths, deodorant. toothbrushes, toothpaste, body spray, women’s underwear (all sizes) and clothing for men and women. Distribution day is this Sabbath, July 20.  (Veronica Felix, Leader)   Music Ministry Department The choir sings this Sabbath,…

Book Reading

Book Reading

Fresh Faith: What Happens When Real Faith Ignites God’s People.   Zoom: 5051798992   Synopsis: One thing moves God: faith. Not doctrinal savvy. Not willpower.  Trust in God alone stirs him to move miraculously on our behalf.  Time and again, Jim Cymbala, author of , has seen the power of faith displayed in the lives…