cathedral interior
Announcements at a Glance

Personal Ministries Department The Personal Ministries Department is collecting items for outreach to the unhoused community. Items needed are disposable washcloths, deodorant. toothbrushes, toothpast…Read More

Book Reading

Fresh Faith: What Happens When Real Faith Ignites God’s People.   Zoom: 5051798992   Synopsis: One thing moves God: faith. Not doctrinal savvy. Not willpower.  Trust in God alone stirs…Read More

Pastor Hoods’s Master Keys ADVANCE Bible Class

LIVE ON ZOOM   Moderator: Pastor Stan Hood Meeting ID: 840 8670 2230 Phone: 312 626 6799   Periodically include Guest Pastors and Jewish theologians   The class is for seasoned Christia…Read More

“DRIVEN” by Pastor Stan Hood

“This book is for the person seeking to strengthen themselves by understanding themselves. I’m hunting for people who are drifitng through life, doing what is expected. If you have the guts to face yo…Read More