Long ago, on the south side of Chicago, a small but faithful few Adventists got together an decided it was time they purchase a new church home. These community of believers worked night and day to raise funds to purchase a new church home. By late October, the community had raised enough money to purchase a little church located on 46th and Wabash/Michigan Street. They dedicated and named the church “The Southside Seventh-day Adventist Church” in 1896.


The church family was very happy and satisfied with their little church. Blacks and Whites fellowshipped together in perfect harmony.

The church’s family grew larger and larger and by 1914 there were well more than 200 blacks and whites fellowshipping together under the roof of the little church. Many of the church members felt they could spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ faster and more effectively if they separate into two groups: one group would remain at the old church site and the other group would head further south to a new church location. The two groups were organized, and one group left heading farther south and the other group stayed at the original location.


The hunt began to find the perfect utopia for the new church group. While the hunt continued, the church family took up a temporary residence at 69th and Morgan and remained there for three blessed years. By the turn of the century, through hard work and prayer, the church family grew larger. The church home on 69th and Morgan became too small and a new temporary residence was needed. While the hunt continued for a new church home, the church family was blessed to find an assembly hall on 55th and State to hold church until they could find a more suitable place to worship in. This stopover was perfect, for it gave the church family the needed time to continue winning souls for Christ and looking for the ideal spot for a church home.


Then one beautiful splendid day,  Brother John C. Heidereich heard that the English Redeemer Lutheran Church, located on 60th and Princeton was for sale, he immediately passed on the good news to the church family. The Officials of the Illinois Conference gave the church family the approval to buy the property. The church was purchase for $50,000.00. The members were happy and satisfied with this new venture. This they believe was the ideal location; for right across the street under the “L” tracks they spotted a little house that was ideal for a little school house. They purchased the little house and made it into a school to teach grades 1-9 under the guiding principles of Proverbs 22:6.


As time moved on, the need to relocate once again presented itself. The church as well as the school outgrew its current building structures. The church family immediately put the Church & School up for sale for $85,000. Within a few months, the Church and School were sold and the church family moved into a rented church located at 7000 S. South Park Avenue,  better known as Martin Luther King Drive.


This small delay, gave the church family time to either search for a place or build a new church and school to continue their mission which is found in Mark 16:15. The decision was made to build a new church and school. The church family got busy to find a new church location. 


Fortunately, the blessed day came as Brother and Sister John Wojeik found the ideal spot as they were strolling along the streets of the famous Beverly Hills Area. They spotted the perfect empty lot at 9356 South Justine. They were excited and immediately reported their findings to Brother Howard Vanderkold, the building committee chairperson. This location made “headlines” amongst the church family about the findings and a purchase was made for the property. They immediately began drawing up plans to build their church and school. God was still leading them all the way, just as he had led the Hebrew Children out of Egypt. At last they would have a place that they could call home and live out the words of Exodus 25:8.


On May 12, 1952, the ground was broken and the building of the sanctuary, school, and recreation hall began. By 1954 all three were completed and the members settled into their new church home and began their mission in 1955. The members were extremely happy with their mission of brining souls to God through the ministry of the church and school. The name of the church was now called The Beverly Hills Seventh-day Adventist Church. The venture brought hope to the Beverly Hills Area! Through the inspirations of the faithful members 2 churches were born. The Burbank Seventh-day Adventist Church was born in 1978 under the leadership of Pastor Hurst. The second church was the New Heights Seventh-day Adventist Church in 1985 under the leadership of Pastor Enell O. Hall. Other contributions from the Beverly Hills Church were given to the Goshen Seventh-day Adventist Church through an evangelistic effort that was held on Stony Island Avenue where the Goshen membership increased to approximately 250 members. God was still using Beverly Hills Seventh-day Adventist Church and School to hasten his soon return through an evangelistic effort conducted by Evangelist Oscar Lane and partially sponsored by the Beverly Hills Church.


Upon Pastor Alexander Lampkin’s arrival another evangelistic effort was conducted with the aid of Evangelist Ray in 1990. Pastor Lampkin baptized more than 30 individuals during the effort. In addition he worked with and counseled the boys and girls at the Beverly Hills School mentally, physically, socially and spiritually from which he was able to baptize 15 students.


In July 1995 Pastor Marvin Brown was installed as Pastor of Beverly Hills Church and School. He began conducting Revelation Seminars from which he was able to baptize several individuals into the faith.


God has truly led the members and leaders of the Beverly Hills Church all the way. With God as our Leader many souls have been won through the church as well as through the former Beverly Hills Church School from which many Doctors, lawyers, Ministers, Politicians, Laborers, Homemakers, Nurses, technicians and Missionaries who have graduated and has impacted the world as witnesses to God’s Love, Grace, Mercy & His Second Coming!