Jesus told His disciples that He did not come to be served, but rather to serve.  (Matthew 20:28)  Jesus’ service culminates in the cross, where He served all by giving Himself for all. We seek to follow Christ in serving as well.  We seek to encourage and equip people for the life of service to which our Lord calls us.



Serving in Everyday Life

The main way in which we serve is in our everyday lives – in our homes, in our communities, in our workplaces and among our friends.  Every day brings opportunities to be the hands and feet of Jesus in bringing His love to others through our words and deeds.  We encourage the people of St. John’s to be involved in our local community and in community organizations and agencies, and so week to be a blessing to Napa and beyond.

Serving in the Congregation

In 1 Corinthians 12, Paul pictures the congregation as a body with diverse parts that all work together.  Each member is valued and has a role to play.  There are many ways to serve within the congregation as we work together to carry out God’s mission:

Serving Together for Napa and Beyond

We can do more together.  There are several ways in which the people of St. John’s come together to be a blessing to our Napa Community and beyond.


LCC Comfort Dog Ministry   |   John’s Mission Farm   |   Large Print Ministry

Serving in Worship

Worship is the heart and center of our congregational life.  Our worship services involve many people working together to praise the Lord and bless His people.


Below is a list of the ways in which to serve during worship.  For more information, please contact the church office.


  • Acolyte
    Lighting and extinguishing the candles used in worship
  • Children’s Church Leader
    Teaching the children during the children’s church time in worship
  • Communion Assistant
    Taking part in the distribution of the Lord’s Supper
  • Counters
    Gathering and documenting the offerings
  • Greeter
    Welcome worshipers and answering questions about our ministry
  • Lay Reader
    Reading the Bible Readings during worship
  • Sanctuary Choir
    Enhancing worship with choral offerings
  • Usher
    Assisting people during worship
  • Worship Band
    Leading singing and praise during worship
  • Worship Prep Team
    Preparing the sanctuary for worship
  • Worship Tech Team
    Preparing the projection slides, overseeing the audio, and providing for the streaming of the services